FEBRUARY 17, 2016
Insights that may come welling up from the past could be put to work for you in a positive way, Aries. You could use them as inspiration for a creative project of some kind, or you could just make them work for you in your day-to-day dealings with others. You should be feeling especially romantic and sexy today, and you might want to go shopping for clothes made of soft, touchable fabrics. Relations with lovers should be close and passionate.
FEBRUARY 17, 2016
Your home might need some work today, Taurus. You and other members of your household could decide to join forces and get everything done. This might simply involve a thorough cleaning, or it could mean major repairs of some sort, perhaps plumbing or electrical. If the latter, it isn't a good idea to try to do this yourself. There could be factors involved that are more complicated than they seem. Don't be afraid to call in a professional.
FEBRUARY 17, 2016
Expect a lot of letters and phone calls from lovers, close friends, or children today, Gemini. You might also want to make a few yourself. Some positive and interesting information may have come your way that you'll want to share with those close to you. You could also want to try your hand at writing. You'll want to make sure that you remember whatever it is you learn today, Gemini, as it could prove valuable in the future.
FEBRUARY 17, 2016
Studying some paperwork involving your finances could bring a pleasant surprise. You’re better off than you thought, Cancer! Dividends or benefits of some kind might be forthcoming. You could decide to treat yourself, buy some gifts for your family, or perhaps do some work on your home. Do take care to avoid impulse buying, and don't go crazy spending. You don't want your funds to disappear as quickly as they came!
FEBRUARY 17, 2016
Today some information might come your way that inspires you to come up with some valuable new ideas, Leo. Your own intuitive faculties are operating at a very high level, and therefore your insights could prove valuable. Make sure you cover every possible contingency. This knowledge could be used to advance your own career and financial interests, so you may want to spend an hour or two writing down your thoughts.
FEBRUARY 17, 2016
Your intuition, physical and intellectual energy, and insight are at an all-time high today, Virgo. You'll probably want to spend much of the day alone, reflecting on your ideas and deciding how you want to put them to work for you. At some point, you may want to put your thoughts in writing. You could also tune in more strongly than usual to the thoughts and feelings of others.
FEBRUARY 17, 2016
You could well be bubbling over with physical energy today, Libra. You might want to spend your day visiting with friends. You could pick up some interesting information from them, which you might be able to put to work for you. You could lay plans for finally attaining a long-term goal; perhaps a lucky break made this possible. Expect to spend most of your day talking and planning!
FEBRUARY 17, 2016
Visitors in your home, perhaps invited by others in your household, could put a crimp in your desire to be alone and hash out your thoughts today, Scorpio. Your mind is sharp and ideas should come thick and fast. Don't get so irritated with the situation at home that you sabotage your plans. You might want to go off somewhere by yourself, possibly to simply sequester yourself in your own room.
FEBRUARY 17, 2016
You’re very intuitive by nature, Sagittarius, and today you should be feeling especially so. Don't be surprised if you spontaneously tune in to the ideas and emotions of those around you, or even if you and someone else come up with the same words at the same time. Use your insights to increase your understanding of others. You might also find that they bring artistic inspiration and even advance your worldly ambitions.
FEBRUARY 17, 2016
This should be one of those days when you feel as if you could conquer the world. You feel strong and determined, Capricorn, and willing to do whatever it takes to get wherever you want to be. A goal could be attained at this time, ambitions realized, or perhaps a lucky break could come your way. This is an excellent day to seek a new job, ask for a raise, or make a favorite project a success.
FEBRUARY 17, 2016
A business or love partner could bring opportunities for advancement your way today, Aquarius. You may decide to draft or execute legal papers that could be very important to your future. Travel might somehow be involved. Romance looks promising today. Your confidence and enthusiasm are showing in your face and could make you seem more attractive than usual, both to your partner and strangers. In the evening, plan an intimate celebration!
FEBRUARY 17, 2016
The hard work and good business sense that you’ve put into your job may finally be paying off, Pisces. Expect some positive changes to take place at the workplace this week. Today you’re likely to be feeling especially energetic and decide to give your house a thorough cleaning. Don't try to do this on your own, however. You need to conserve your energy. Get other members of your household to help!
Numerology gives us an opportunity to be more aware of ourselves, the talents we have, and the pathway we choose to use these abilities.
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