Creativity seems high-risk at the moment, and extreme tactics make you uneasy. Your usual daredevil self has been pushed aside by a new, more frugal you. It's probably best to follow your instincts today, and don't do anything rash. After all, you're getting closer to your goal by the minute, and it would be a shame to mess things up now. So play it safe, and gather all the facts before making a move. Don't take out your uncomfortable feelings on other people, though. It's not their fault life seems so uncertain.
Not saying 'I told you so' might be a little difficult today, but try your hardest anyway. Yes, you were right, as you so often are. But wouldn't it be so much more honorable, not to mention humble, not to rub it in? Instead, be gracious. Everyone knows you had the right idea in the first place. Refrain from pointing that out. This will highlight your natural attractiveness, and it will make other people more likely to get behind you next time. And you're certainly practical enough to realize the value in that.
You're canny but not cool. It's probably because you know too much. And that disturbing or forbidden knowledge will make you uptight today, if you let it. Your imagination is all too ready to wander through the half-spoken world of other people's secrets. Maybe you're afraid those secrets are about you. Maybe you're jealous of missing a party where your presence wouldn't be required anyway. You'll get over this little anxiety hump once some quick decision gives you a push. Busy, fulfilled people don't have time to worry about stuff like that. They're just too cool.
Sometimes loyalty keeps trouble far from your door. Sometimes it's an invitation to battle over lines drawn in the sand. You'll never be lonely with team spirit, and caution is OK when you're staring down the new and strange, but you can relax now. You're home free. Whatever you found here is the genuine article. Take a day to get used to your new reality, whether that means putting the brakes on your worries or actually getting under the hood of this positive change. Grip the details in your hands to prove you're not dreaming.
You're becoming aware today that some part of your life -- a relationship, perhaps, or a creative project -- is in need of completion. You'd like to be objective about it so you can wrap things up in a neat, efficient way. However, you still need recognition. Others' attention will be elsewhere today. That doesn't mean you won't gain accolades, however. It just may not happen when you'd like. Don't worry. You can practice while you wait, and then you'll be really effective.
Don't worry so much about making an impression. Just be your busy, efficient self, and everything will be cool. To the right people, you'll be magnetic and vivid. The best way to attract love is by doing what you love. The best way to lose idiots is by not giving them anything to work with. OK, maybe you're locking the door, but you don't have to throw away the key. After a day of hanging with your chosen tribe inside your magic circle, you'll be ready to get out there and face the big, weird world again.
Use your considerable skills of negotiation today to build a rapport with friendly strangers. You could use some help finishing a certain project or resolving an issue. You never know from where inspiration might come. Furthermore, you can offer useful advice to others when it's needed. They'll appreciate your balanced viewpoint. In general, life will be easy and positive today. You're in good health and spirits, and you're doing the right things to stay that way. Why not focus on figuring out how to make these good feelings last?
It's OK to be firm. That's what standing up for your rights is all about. Just don't use too much force. Right now you're grounded enough to know your own strength, and you're tuned into the right kind of wisdom. Your experience, and listening to someone whose stories matter to you, can direct you. Either way, always know where you are and when you're in danger of crossing the line. Work wonders with your light touch today. Also, that tactile experience goes well with sensuality, and you can never get enough of that.
First you say, 'Ask me if I care.' Then you say, 'Why do you even ask?' Cynicism may be cool, especially if you're wearing black and listening to difficult music. But apathy isn't helping your long-term situation. Yes, you should throw away what you don't need, although you might want to go over that list again. Follow your heart or conscience today. Don't worry if you suddenly notice that your ego isn't along for the ride. Who cares if this little excursion of yours looks weird? Now you get to actually be who you are. Isn't that a relief?
There's no need to hover like a hawk over your projects, eyeing every little detail and working your hardest to keep everything under control. Instead, relax a little and let things take their natural course. That's hard for you, isn't it? Try to enjoy the break. But do be conservative as you count and codify the variables. There's no need to relax your principles or your expectations. Keep a careful log of any progress you make, and soon you can match it against the outcome you initially projected. You'll find that it all makes sense.
You've developed a tenacious hold on your truth. And you're having a hard time sharing space with anyone, aren't you? That stubborn streak of yours is flaring up and you're finding fault with everyone around you. Especially the nay-sayers who seem to enjoy standing in your way! But try to be more generous in how you view people. Be more considerate in how you treat them. Let your natural social skill come out and play. Criticism and rigidity won't make you any friends, but flexibility and friendliness will.
You're challenged to think more clearly today than you're used to doing. You need to turn a more critical eye on yourself as well as the people around you. But don't take it too far. Pay attention to your health by eating well, relaxing and doing soothing exercises like yoga and stretching. A gentle approach goes best with everyone from your best friend to your lover to your boss. Savor a little quiet time at home, and enjoy the chance to catch up on some good old-fashioned self care.
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Numerology gives us an opportunity to be more aware of ourselves, the talents we have, and the pathway we choose to use these abilities.
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