July 14, 2016



Instead of bossing everyone around today and putting them in their places with sarcasm, try to stop and face your own emotions. You’re a bit on the domineering side, Aries. That’s what comes with being a natural leader. But you’re taking it a little over the edge at the moment. If you slow down and consider what’s going on inside your head and your heart, you’ll find you’re actually feeling very uneasy. Try to get back in touch with the reasons why you do what you do, and see if it’s time to change anything.
Throwing your back into your work is nothing new to you. You’ve always been dedicated to producing both quality and quantity. Now other people know they can count on you to create something that’s both durable and functional, not to mention beautiful. You’re dependable in that way, and everyone knows it. Your craftsmanship shines brightly today. If you’re in a creative field, this is the perfect time to start developing an exciting new line. You’re both a master and a perfectionist at the moment. Make it last.
You keep changing your mind and it’s not a mistake. You can’t help it. Anyone who lives with a cat or understands PR will be familiar with that strategy. But how long can you keep this up? The situation might spin out of hand today if you’re not careful. Is it better if no one believes you or if no one notices you? At a certain point, you might actually want to cut your losses and disappear. It’ll save you the trouble of having to explain everything.
Maybe you had your doubts, but not any more. One good argument will finally sway you. One little peek behind the curtain will reveal what you’ve been ignoring. One touch of a friendly hand will melt your glacier of denial. Now that you believe, you can heal from the pain of not knowing, and relax from the pressure of not caring. Work on clearing out your past junk today. It’ll be a relief, but it’ll also be a first step. As soon as you give yourself room to move, there won’t be anything stopping you.
You’re loyal and punctual, to your credit. Try not to get frustrated with everyone else today. To their discredit, they’re fickle and late. What’s gotten into them? The current energy is widening people’s perfectionist streaks. This could explain their lack of promptness. Maybe they’re too busy trying to get things just so. It’s hard to call something ‘good enough’ when you’re not convinced that ‘good enough’ exists. Give everyone time before you quit. You can afford to be patient. Later, you’ll be glad you were.
Stick to the facts for now. If you want to get off on the right foot, try not to make wild guesses about strangers. Project a cautious, measured version of yourself until you know who you’re dealing with. Inner turmoil is your private business, so don’t go looking for new shoulders to cry on. And if you’re bubbling over with the good stuff, you should only share it with those who can appreciate it. Maintaining this tough exterior might not be such a picnic, but it probably won’t matter after today. Plus, you’ll get points for self-control.
Your focus now should be on trying to lead a well-kept life. You’re a master at using charm instead of force. That skill comes into play now. You’ll negotiate with friends and associates, and try to finish projects with an eye for detail and balance. This is a special talent of yours, so things should go well. Using this skill may turn your luck around. Can you think of ways to make this sort of behavior a habit? Doing so would benefit all your relationships and projects, and the rest of your life itself.
Respond to the allure of deep mysteries, because who isn’t a sucker for a good who-done-it? Some of this might get a little personal, even if it doesn’t seem to be about you at first. Don’t flinch from what you find. Specialized gear may be required, so it’ll help a lot if you’re handy with these tools. Otherwise, be ready to learn fast. So far, you’re taking a reasonable approach to something that could really get your pulse pounding. Keep up the good work. Leverage your talents for another day and see what you can get off the ground.
The world seems to be making urgent demands. How is this different from usual? Well, for one thing, if you’re feeling weak or persecuted, it’s going to be a lot worse. Fear will loosen your tongue, and you’ll hear yourself say some amazing things as it wags. Divine revelations, brilliant thought gems, stupid jokes — it’s all there. The people around you will be the ones who decide if you’re a prophet or a windbag. Today you might be a bit of both. You’ll win, sort of, if you can laugh at yourself.
You were so careful as you got this project off the ground that it’s okay to take a bit of a risk now. Just about any opportunity you see today is a good bet, because you’ve done your homework. If you can be both objective and sensitive at the same time, you’ll find that things turn out even better than you’d hoped. Thus, it’s all right to put all your eggs in one basket for the time being. Soon you’ll see what it all adds up to, and you’ll know what you have to work with.
Grumbling, overreacting and stirring up trouble will be your M.O. today. Cooperation becomes difficult as that stubborn streak of yours intensifies, making everyone feel uncomfortable. The question is, do you know what you want, or are you just rebelling? The latter is likely. You want to get people worked up, since you’re feeling uneasy yourself. But a better approach would be to take a few deep breaths and remind yourself to stay on track. Rocking the boat for no good reason can only lead to a mess you’ll have to clean up later.
You might think you’re keeping your true emotions hidden from the people around you, but — news flash — you’re more transparent than you think! In fact, your actions make those ‘secret’ feelings clear to everyone. You’d make a bad liar today, so don’t even try to be anything other than perfectly honest. Don’t waste time on pretense; instead, be as vulnerable and softhearted on the outside as you are inside. And when people share their true feelings with you, don’t assume you know their inner motivations. This spirit of sharing will cut through any insecurity you may feel.
WHATS APP – 9818968955
Numerology gives us an opportunity to be more aware of ourselves, the talents we have, and the pathway we choose to use these abilities.

February 23, 2016



Instead of bossing everyone around today and putting them in their places with sarcasm, try to stop and face your own emotions. You're a bit on the domineering side, Aries. That's what comes with being a natural leader. But you're taking it a little over the edge at the moment. If you slow down and consider what's going on inside your head and your heart, you'll find you're actually feeling very uneasy. Try to get back in touch with the reasons why you do what you do, and see if it's time to change anything.

Throwing your back into your work is nothing new to you. You've always been dedicated to producing both quality and quantity. Now other people know they can count on you to create something that's both durable and functional, not to mention beautiful. You're dependable in that way, and everyone knows it. Your craftsmanship shines brightly today. If you're in a creative field, this is the perfect time to start developing an exciting new line. You're both a master and a perfectionist at the moment. Make it last.

You keep changing your mind and it's not a mistake. You can't help it. Anyone who lives with a cat or understands PR will be familiar with that strategy. But how long can you keep this up? The situation might spin out of hand today if you're not careful. Is it better if no one believes you or if no one notices you? At a certain point, you might actually want to cut your losses and disappear. It'll save you the trouble of having to explain everything.

Maybe you had your doubts, but not any more. One good argument will finally sway you. One little peek behind the curtain will reveal what you've been ignoring. One touch of a friendly hand will melt your glacier of denial. Now that you believe, you can heal from the pain of not knowing, and relax from the pressure of not caring. Work on clearing out your past junk today. It'll be a relief, but it'll also be a first step. As soon as you give yourself room to move, there won't be anything stopping you.

You're loyal and punctual, to your credit. Try not to get frustrated with everyone else today. To their discredit, they're fickle and late. What's gotten into them? The current energy is widening people's perfectionist streaks. This could explain their lack of promptness. Maybe they're too busy trying to get things just so. It's hard to call something 'good enough' when you're not convinced that 'good enough' exists. Give everyone time before you quit. You can afford to be patient. Later, you'll be glad you were.

Stick to the facts for now. If you want to get off on the right foot, try not to make wild guesses about strangers. Project a cautious, measured version of yourself until you know who you're dealing with. Inner turmoil is your private business, so don't go looking for new shoulders to cry on. And if you're bubbling over with the good stuff, you should only share it with those who can appreciate it. Maintaining this tough exterior might not be such a picnic, but it probably won't matter after today. Plus, you'll get points for self-control.

Your focus now should be on trying to lead a well-kept life. You're a master at using charm instead of force. That skill comes into play now. You'll negotiate with friends and associates, and try to finish projects with an eye for detail and balance. This is a special talent of yours, so things should go well. Using this skill may turn your luck around. Can you think of ways to make this sort of behavior a habit? Doing so would benefit all your relationships and projects, and the rest of your life itself.

Respond to the allure of deep mysteries, because who isn't a sucker for a good who-done-it? Some of this might get a little personal, even if it doesn't seem to be about you at first. Don't flinch from what you find. Specialized gear may be required, so it'll help a lot if you're handy with these tools. Otherwise, be ready to learn fast. So far, you're taking a reasonable approach to something that could really get your pulse pounding. Keep up the good work. Leverage your talents for another day and see what you can get off the ground.

The world seems to be making urgent demands. How is this different from usual? Well, for one thing, if you're feeling weak or persecuted, it's going to be a lot worse. Fear will loosen your tongue, and you'll hear yourself say some amazing things as it wags. Divine revelations, brilliant thought gems, stupid jokes -- it's all there. The people around you will be the ones who decide if you're a prophet or a windbag. Today you might be a bit of both. You'll win, sort of, if you can laugh at yourself.

You were so careful as you got this project off the ground that it's okay to take a bit of a risk now. Just about any opportunity you see today is a good bet, because you've done your homework. If you can be both objective and sensitive at the same time, you'll find that things turn out even better than you'd hoped. Thus, it's all right to put all your eggs in one basket for the time being. Soon you'll see what it all adds up to, and you'll know what you have to work with.

Grumbling, overreacting and stirring up trouble will be your M.O. today. Cooperation becomes difficult as that stubborn streak of yours intensifies, making everyone feel uncomfortable. The question is, do you know what you want, or are you just rebelling? The latter is likely. You want to get people worked up, since you're feeling uneasy yourself. But a better approach would be to take a few deep breaths and remind yourself to stay on track. Rocking the boat for no good reason can only lead to a mess you'll have to clean up later.

You might think you're keeping your true emotions hidden from the people around you, but -- news flash -- you're more transparent than you think! In fact, your actions make those 'secret' feelings clear to everyone. You'd make a bad liar today, so don't even try to be anything other than perfectly honest. Don't waste time on pretense; instead, be as vulnerable and softhearted on the outside as you are inside. And when people share their true feelings with you, don't assume you know their inner motivations. This spirit of sharing will cut through any insecurity you may feel.


WHATS APP – 9818968955

Numerology gives us an opportunity to be more aware of ourselves, the talents we have, and the pathway we choose to use these abilities.

February 22, 2016


Numero Scope: HOROSCOPE FOR 22ND FEBRUARY 2016 NUMEROSCOPE BY G...: HOROSCOPE FOR 22ND FEBRUARY 2016 NUMEROSCOPE BY GINNY ARIES  Creativity seems high-risk at the moment, and extreme tactics...

Numerology gives us an opportunity to be more aware of ourselves, the talents we have, and the pathway we choose to use these abilities.



Creativity seems high-risk at the moment, and extreme tactics make you uneasy. Your usual daredevil self has been pushed aside by a new, more frugal you. It's probably best to follow your instincts today, and don't do anything rash. After all, you're getting closer to your goal by the minute, and it would be a shame to mess things up now. So play it safe, and gather all the facts before making a move. Don't take out your uncomfortable feelings on other people, though. It's not their fault life seems so uncertain.

Not saying 'I told you so' might be a little difficult today, but try your hardest anyway. Yes, you were right, as you so often are. But wouldn't it be so much more honorable, not to mention humble, not to rub it in? Instead, be gracious. Everyone knows you had the right idea in the first place. Refrain from pointing that out. This will highlight your natural attractiveness, and it will make other people more likely to get behind you next time. And you're certainly practical enough to realize the value in that.

You're canny but not cool. It's probably because you know too much. And that disturbing or forbidden knowledge will make you uptight today, if you let it. Your imagination is all too ready to wander through the half-spoken world of other people's secrets. Maybe you're afraid those secrets are about you. Maybe you're jealous of missing a party where your presence wouldn't be required anyway. You'll get over this little anxiety hump once some quick decision gives you a push. Busy, fulfilled people don't have time to worry about stuff like that. They're just too cool.

Sometimes loyalty keeps trouble far from your door. Sometimes it's an invitation to battle over lines drawn in the sand. You'll never be lonely with team spirit, and caution is OK when you're staring down the new and strange, but you can relax now. You're home free. Whatever you found here is the genuine article. Take a day to get used to your new reality, whether that means putting the brakes on your worries or actually getting under the hood of this positive change. Grip the details in your hands to prove you're not dreaming.

You're becoming aware today that some part of your life -- a relationship, perhaps, or a creative project -- is in need of completion. You'd like to be objective about it so you can wrap things up in a neat, efficient way. However, you still need recognition. Others' attention will be elsewhere today. That doesn't mean you won't gain accolades, however. It just may not happen when you'd like. Don't worry. You can practice while you wait, and then you'll be really effective.

Don't worry so much about making an impression. Just be your busy, efficient self, and everything will be cool. To the right people, you'll be magnetic and vivid. The best way to attract love is by doing what you love. The best way to lose idiots is by not giving them anything to work with. OK, maybe you're locking the door, but you don't have to throw away the key. After a day of hanging with your chosen tribe inside your magic circle, you'll be ready to get out there and face the big, weird world again.

Use your considerable skills of negotiation today to build a rapport with friendly strangers. You could use some help finishing a certain project or resolving an issue. You never know from where inspiration might come. Furthermore, you can offer useful advice to others when it's needed. They'll appreciate your balanced viewpoint. In general, life will be easy and positive today. You're in good health and spirits, and you're doing the right things to stay that way. Why not focus on figuring out how to make these good feelings last?

It's OK to be firm. That's what standing up for your rights is all about. Just don't use too much force. Right now you're grounded enough to know your own strength, and you're tuned into the right kind of wisdom. Your experience, and listening to someone whose stories matter to you, can direct you. Either way, always know where you are and when you're in danger of crossing the line. Work wonders with your light touch today. Also, that tactile experience goes well with sensuality, and you can never get enough of that.

First you say, 'Ask me if I care.' Then you say, 'Why do you even ask?' Cynicism may be cool, especially if you're wearing black and listening to difficult music. But apathy isn't helping your long-term situation. Yes, you should throw away what you don't need, although you might want to go over that list again. Follow your heart or conscience today. Don't worry if you suddenly notice that your ego isn't along for the ride. Who cares if this little excursion of yours looks weird? Now you get to actually be who you are. Isn't that a relief?

There's no need to hover like a hawk over your projects, eyeing every little detail and working your hardest to keep everything under control. Instead, relax a little and let things take their natural course. That's hard for you, isn't it? Try to enjoy the break. But do be conservative as you count and codify the variables. There's no need to relax your principles or your expectations. Keep a careful log of any progress you make, and soon you can match it against the outcome you initially projected. You'll find that it all makes sense.

You've developed a tenacious hold on your truth. And you're having a hard time sharing space with anyone, aren't you? That stubborn streak of yours is flaring up and you're finding fault with everyone around you. Especially the nay-sayers who seem to enjoy standing in your way! But try to be more generous in how you view people. Be more considerate in how you treat them. Let your natural social skill come out and play. Criticism and rigidity won't make you any friends, but flexibility and friendliness will.

You're challenged to think more clearly today than you're used to doing. You need to turn a more critical eye on yourself as well as the people around you. But don't take it too far. Pay attention to your health by eating well, relaxing and doing soothing exercises like yoga and stretching. A gentle approach goes best with everyone from your best friend to your lover to your boss. Savor a little quiet time at home, and enjoy the chance to catch up on some good old-fashioned self care.


WHATS APP – 9818968955

Numerology gives us an opportunity to be more aware of ourselves, the talents we have, and the pathway we choose to use these abilities.

February 21, 2016


Numero Scope: HOROSCOPE FOR 21ST FEBRUARY 2016 BY – NUMEROSCOPE...: HOROSCOPE FOR 21ST FEBRUARY 2016  BY – NUMEROSCOPE BY GINNY ARIES This morning the world looks as if it is washed clean. Its co...

Numerology gives us an opportunity to be more aware of ourselves, the talents we have, and the pathway we choose to use these abilities.



This morning the world looks as if it is washed clean. Its colors are shining brightly, and possibility gleams from every corner. Your eyes are wide open, like a child’s on Christmas morning — full of wonder and imagination. You’re already making plans. But the time is right not just for planning. Step up and make a move. Draw from that inner wellspring of courage you’re so famous for, and push forward into your destiny. 
TAURUSSomehow you feel stuck in an eat-or-be-eaten life cycle. But the world is more peaceful than you think. It’s time to cool your jets and join in the harmony. If that doesn’t seem possible right this minute, go for a walk or jog, or clean your house. Movement will help your good humor return, and imposing a bit of order on the things you can control will help you realize that things are actually just fine.
You’ll have real presence today, and best of all, everyone in your life will see it. You can fly into any scene on the wings of charm and inspiration. That’ll make an impression. How will you use this positive energy? Here are a few suggestions: to impress your boss at work, or your professor at school; to score points with your sweetheart; to dazzle that special someone; or just to reaffirm to your friends and family why they love you so much.
Things are bubbling away on the stove in your kitchen of life, but common sense and safety measures prevail today. You’d rather keep fire and water separate. You don’t want any steam, and you definitely don’t want to burn yourself. You may get lost in the crowd, but that’s okay. Let someone else set an example for once. You shouldn’t have to be a strong leader all the time.
Today marks the start of a brand-new cycle of your life, one that will last for at least a month. You’re starting over on every level, and you couldn’t be more ready for this. Wherever you go and whatever you do, today will be full of promises, kickoffs and launches. Eventually, of course, you’ll have to buckle down and put in some hard work, but for now, you’re going on pure instinct and energy, and it’s working!
You’re juggling several different balls today. Some are things you have to do, and some are things you want to do. When your youthful energy mixes with your bureaucratic streak, there can be trouble. These two qualities may work at cross-purposes, and the results could be interesting, to say the least. Will there be a winner, or will you learn to combine the two peacefully, at least temporarily?
Is it you, or has life just gotten a whole lot more fun? You’re passionate, affectionate and expressive now, and you’re whipping up a frenzy of admiration. Some people would be a little, overeager with all this attention, but you’re graceful even in the midst of excitement. Better get out the camera. You may want to document this day, so you can look back later and smile as you remember everything you got up to.
Domineering types should loosen their grip — and yes, that means you. If you don’t cool your jets, soon you could scare everyone away. The thing is, you actually need these people. Their support is needed, so don’t forget that in the heat of the moment, when your sole aim is to prove your own point. Maybe others have an equally valid point. This is a good time to consider it.
You’ve never liked limitations. You believe in personal freedom and you do what you can to maintain yours. And today, you won’t let yourself be confined by anyone. This isn’t just childish rebellion or acting out; this is living life out loud. Enjoy it, because sooner or later, you’ll have to return to your regular life — you know, tending to the day job, returning phone calls and emails, and so on. For now, cut loose.
If you’re tempted today to rant or criticize, try to recognize that there’s more going on here than simply thinking you’re right and everyone else is wrong. Something within you is craving others’ attention, affection or approval. If you can admit to that feeling within yourself, you can be much more direct about having it satisfied by someone who cares about you. And that will be so much more fulfilling in the long run.
Your partnerships could seem fraught with complications today. It might seem tempting to strike out on your own, but don’t forget that you benefit from the input of your partner. If things aren’t going that well between you, take a step back and admit to yourself that you’re part of the problem. Stubbornness and autocratic decision-making won’t help ease the situation, either. Gentleness, humility and good listening skills will.
You have a broader and deeper view of life than most people, because you know there’s more than one reality. Thus, you know what someone else is saying today is true, but only from one, rather limited point of view — there are so many others, after all. But before you set this person straight, do some research to make sure you know what you’re talking about. It would be embarrassing if you were wrong.
Numerology gives us an opportunity to be more aware of ourselves, the talents we have, and the pathway we choose to use these abilities.

February 20, 2016



Life feels balanced, interesting and fun right now. Your shining future seems so attainable. What's more, you're a good sport in any game and creative in any field or medium. Team leadership could soon be yours, if you step up to the plate. Start planning your rise to greatness. You don't need to do this alone; an excellent strategic move would be to gather a support network that believes in you and your vision.

You're in a bit of a slump, aren't you? Maybe work or relationship issues are getting you down. The truth is, they'll seem a lot more manageable soon -- but right now, it's probably hard to take comfort in that fact. Still, you can easily pull yourself out of this mood today. Just focus on the love you share with a friend, pet or your sweetheart. Look for love, and your spirits will lift.

You're as versatile and creative as ever, but definitely less scattered than usual, and that's a winning combination. Soon, you'll present a polished effort to the outside world. If you do it in person, everyone can shake your hand. They'll want to congratulate the clever soul who came up with such a good, ingenious product. They may even want in on your secrets -- not that you're quite ready to share them yet.

There's a party going on down the street, but you're not there. Instead, you're holed up at home with the things that bring you comfort. You don't mind having what others might consider a dull day. You just want to feel safe, so draw inspiration from quiet, soothing sources, while other people party on. If you feel like moving outside your comfort zone, you'll be welcomed. So either way, you're home free!

Your personal honor swells, and for good reason. You're more radiant than usual, and people are really taking notice. This is a great day to try something new. Whatever it is, it could take a few days to master, but you'll get the hang of it, and will be a master within a few weeks. A little daring now could pay off in a big way later, so aim high when you choose a goal.

You seem to have run out of steam. Despite your ambitious plans and lengthy to-do list, your energy is at a low ebb. Your self-control stirs, turns over and goes back to sleep. There's a message here, Virgo. Don't push yourself. Stay on top of what's necessary today, but cross anything else off the list. With luck, you'll get everything done that you need to. Then it's time to rest.

Well-being is a basic gift you have. You're feeling so centered, so blessed and so connected, that for today, anything more than simple good health seems extravagant. But there's no need to be shy. You deserve all the goodness, not to mention all the goodies, you can get. So enjoy the gifts of this brief yet enjoyable period. Revel in the good times you share with your friends and family.

In certain situations, your ability to focus in a deep, extreme way is a real asset. Among other things, that talent makes you a passionate and exciting partner in an intimate relationship. Similarly, career-wise, you can get a lot accomplished when you set your mind on a goal. But today you may be obsessed with just one thing, and it probably won't benefit from such compulsive fixation. Do your best to stay versatile.

Your spirits are high now. Life seems like a roller coaster ride, in the best possible way. Your own splendid future is calling you, gleaming like a pearl in the sun. And you understand, deep within your soul, that this is your chance to make that gleaming vision materialize. All you have to do is draw on your limitless imagination, and step forward to start creating a better reality for yourself. A plan might be in order, too.

It's a busy time of year, and there's so much to do. So why is everyone in such a lighthearted mood? And what's with all these parties? Your irritation is real and may be justified, but will being pompous or stuck-up really help? That may be your usual mode of relating to others, much to their dismay. Try to communicate gently today. You'll win fans and influence people for the better.

It's all too easy now to spoil a romantic mood by taking too strong a lead. Yes, confidence is sexy, and so is the fact that you know what you want. But what about being in touch with someone else's needs, too? If you aren't careful to demonstrate that you care how they feel, you could come across wrong. Ask them what they're in the mood for, and try to honor their answer.

There's one thing about always having one foot in the sprit world: You're never quite here in the real world! Who were you before? Who are you now? Memory plays tricks on you today. It's hard to orient yourself right now, especially with all the characters who are flitting across your mind's eye. Don't begrudge anyone who has both feet on the ground. Maybe they could help straighten you out. Avoid drama.

WHATS APP - 9818968955 


Numerology gives us an opportunity to be more aware of ourselves, the talents we have, and the pathway we choose to use these abilities.

February 17, 2016



FEBRUARY 17, 2016
Insights that may come welling up from the past could be put to work for you in a positive way, Aries. You could use them as inspiration for a creative project of some kind, or you could just make them work for you in your day-to-day dealings with others. You should be feeling especially romantic and sexy today, and you might want to go shopping for clothes made of soft, touchable fabrics. Relations with lovers should be close and passionate.

FEBRUARY 17, 2016
Your home might need some work today, Taurus. You and other members of your household could decide to join forces and get everything done. This might simply involve a thorough cleaning, or it could mean major repairs of some sort, perhaps plumbing or electrical. If the latter, it isn't a good idea to try to do this yourself. There could be factors involved that are more complicated than they seem. Don't be afraid to call in a professional.

FEBRUARY 17, 2016
Expect a lot of letters and phone calls from lovers, close friends, or children today, Gemini. You might also want to make a few yourself. Some positive and interesting information may have come your way that you'll want to share with those close to you. You could also want to try your hand at writing. You'll want to make sure that you remember whatever it is you learn today, Gemini, as it could prove valuable in the future.

FEBRUARY 17, 2016
Studying some paperwork involving your finances could bring a pleasant surprise. You’re better off than you thought, Cancer! Dividends or benefits of some kind might be forthcoming. You could decide to treat yourself, buy some gifts for your family, or perhaps do some work on your home. Do take care to avoid impulse buying, and don't go crazy spending. You don't want your funds to disappear as quickly as they came!

FEBRUARY 17, 2016
Today some information might come your way that inspires you to come up with some valuable new ideas, Leo. Your own intuitive faculties are operating at a very high level, and therefore your insights could prove valuable. Make sure you cover every possible contingency. This knowledge could be used to advance your own career and financial interests, so you may want to spend an hour or two writing down your thoughts.

FEBRUARY 17, 2016
Your intuition, physical and intellectual energy, and insight are at an all-time high today, Virgo. You'll probably want to spend much of the day alone, reflecting on your ideas and deciding how you want to put them to work for you. At some point, you may want to put your thoughts in writing. You could also tune in more strongly than usual to the thoughts and feelings of others.

FEBRUARY 17, 2016
You could well be bubbling over with physical energy today, Libra. You might want to spend your day visiting with friends. You could pick up some interesting information from them, which you might be able to put to work for you. You could lay plans for finally attaining a long-term goal; perhaps a lucky break made this possible. Expect to spend most of your day talking and planning!

FEBRUARY 17, 2016
Visitors in your home, perhaps invited by others in your household, could put a crimp in your desire to be alone and hash out your thoughts today, Scorpio. Your mind is sharp and ideas should come thick and fast. Don't get so irritated with the situation at home that you sabotage your plans. You might want to go off somewhere by yourself, possibly to simply sequester yourself in your own room.

FEBRUARY 17, 2016
You’re very intuitive by nature, Sagittarius, and today you should be feeling especially so. Don't be surprised if you spontaneously tune in to the ideas and emotions of those around you, or even if you and someone else come up with the same words at the same time. Use your insights to increase your understanding of others. You might also find that they bring artistic inspiration and even advance your worldly ambitions.

FEBRUARY 17, 2016
This should be one of those days when you feel as if you could conquer the world. You feel strong and determined, Capricorn, and willing to do whatever it takes to get wherever you want to be. A goal could be attained at this time, ambitions realized, or perhaps a lucky break could come your way. This is an excellent day to seek a new job, ask for a raise, or make a favorite project a success.

FEBRUARY 17, 2016
A business or love partner could bring opportunities for advancement your way today, Aquarius. You may decide to draft or execute legal papers that could be very important to your future. Travel might somehow be involved. Romance looks promising today. Your confidence and enthusiasm are showing in your face and could make you seem more attractive than usual, both to your partner and strangers. In the evening, plan an intimate celebration!

FEBRUARY 17, 2016
The hard work and good business sense that you’ve put into your job may finally be paying off, Pisces. Expect some positive changes to take place at the workplace this week. Today you’re likely to be feeling especially energetic and decide to give your house a thorough cleaning. Don't try to do this on your own, however. You need to conserve your energy. Get other members of your household to help!

Numerology gives us an opportunity to be more aware of ourselves, the talents we have, and the pathway we choose to use these abilities.
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E Mail : ginnnymittal@gmail.com 
9818968955 | 9650155454

( astrocenter )

Numeroscope By Ginny / Daily Prediction

ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 20) – You will behave like a Magician today. You have resources and a intelligent mind to use those resources in the bes...