January 8, 2012

Monthly Predictions January 2012



JANUARY - 2012

ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 20) –  Major changes are going to take place this month. New beginnings are indicated in matters of profession and emotional relationships as endings are seen. These changes will let you to live more meaningfully and with stability. People may criticize you on several occasions but it is advised you not to just surrender yourself rather try using knowledge and wisdom that you have in plenty.

Favourable Numbers: 10, 32 and Favourable Colours: Yellow and Blues.

TAURUS (APR 21 - MAY 20) – There is a little struggle with which you have to cope up at the beginning of this month. Stars are going to favour you soon after you realise that changes occurred are for good. You will achieve success for sure and celebrate your success with family and friends. Time is going to be on your side all month long as you are able and will acquire what you desire. Now is the time to use your tactics wisely.

Favourable Numbers: 12, 31 and Favourable Colours: Reds and Natural Greens.

GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUN 21) – This month is going to shower you with blessings at the beginning and you should get ready to enjoy your love life like never before. You are loved and should not forget that you might end all this by infusing negative thoughts in your mind unnecessarily. Try to be relaxed between second and third week. Take actions but should consider goal first. Balance is the key for you.

Favourable Numbers: 51, 60 and Favourable Colours: Purple and Cherry red.

CANCER (JUNE 22 - JULY 22) – Beginning of the month might make you feel distressed and restless physically and emotionally but you are going to achieve heights if you remain targeted towards you goals. Huge returns are seen from business points of view. Somewhere somewhat alone you are so try making new friends and expand your business through partnerships. You are going to achieve control on your inner-self soon.  

Favourable Numbers: 04, 26 and Favourable Colours: Burnt Orange and Deep Browns.

LEO (JULY 23 - AUG 23) – You are a bundle of knowledge and wisdom. You are going to experience a whole new world this month as there is contentment both professionally and emotionally. Business ventures you wanted to acquire can be dealt with now. Property related matters will favour you. Health remains satisfactory. There is more of joy and less of worry for you this month. Just be a little mature in your actions and deal with every situation wisely.

Favourable Numbers: 9, 60 and Favourable Colours: Rainbow Shades.

VIRGO (AUG 24 - SEPT 23) – New Year is not as much tempting to you. You are handling too many tasks together and it may make you feel tired and exhausted soon at the beginning of the month. Try grasping those opportunities which are offered to and let go the past. We cannot hold the time so it is good for you to just see in front and move on. People are supportive but you are not able to see their positive sides. Be optimistic and rest will be fine.

Favourable Numbers: 14, 17 and Favourable Colours: Bottle Green and Blue.

LIBRA (SEPT 24 - OCT 23) – Thoughts which you have in your mind will surely reap out fruits if implemented on time. New ventures you undertake will benefice you. Your intelligence will help you reach higher aims. Property related court cases or decisions may go in your favour. Just be careful and calm at the end of the month as you might face some unwanted situations.

Favourable Numbers: 43, 70 and Favourable Colours: White, Grey.

SCORPIO (OCT 24 - NOV 22) – Victory is guaranteed if you try implement your thoughts carefully and in right directions. You are going to feel an urge to start some kind of new activity. Professionally this month is in your favour. You are able to do almost all kind of tasks by yourself. Do respect your fellows and companions as they are also responsible for this success. Do not let ego clashes to take place.

Favourable Numbers: 33, 41 and Favourable Colours: Pista Green, Earthy Browns.

SAGITTARIUS (NOV 23 - DEC 21) – This month you are going to experience lives various kind of circles. You may see that at a point people are so much in fond of you and are present to hear you and at the second moment they are unknown and asking you to just leave. Rise and lows are going to be your daily tasks. Finances may get a boost at the middle but soon when end is coming near you will experience unexpected stress. Time will pass and you are left with prosperity it is a good news.

Favourable Numbers: 14, 28 and Favourable Colours: Bluish Purple, Sea Green . 

CAPRICORN (DEC 22 - JAN 21) – Time has given you one another chance to prove yourself. This month you have to be a little careful or I can say a little mature in your moves. You are resourceful and attractive enough to win many hearts. You may balance almost all situations with a positive focus of yours. Beginning of new ventures and new relations are going to last long. Month is in favour of you and it is advised to make most out of it.

Favourable Numbers: 10, 15 and Favourable Colours: Ruby Pink and Peach. 

AQUARIUS (JAN 22 - FEB 19) – Month is going to make you feel contented in all aspects. Emotionally you are blessed with the support of family and friends. Finances are going to flow in. You will now experience stability in your professional life. You earn so much but you may feel distressed and unsatisfied with what you have achieved.  Try to control and have balance on yourself as conflict within you seen.

Favourable Numbers: 21, 46 and Favourable Colours: Golden Yellow, Red. 

PISCES (FEB 20 - MAR 20) – At the start of the month of a new year you may have to cope up with back stabbing by others. You are going to deal with emotional aspects more than professional or material. Birth of a child is indicated for some. Resources are enough and you have plenty of time to look after and take care of your near and dear ones. Success is yours for sure but do not let positivity to go away from you. Time to get settled with the one you love.

Favourable Numbers: 12, 11 and Favourable Colours: Reds of Earth, Yellow. 


Numerology gives us an opportunity to be more aware of ourselves, the talents we have, and the pathway we choose to use these abilities.

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