DAY 14/01/2012
ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 20) – Today is the day to deal with any kind of emotional clashes as you are blessed with support and love all around you. Harmony will prevail all day long.
TAURUS (APR 21 - MAY 20) – Thoughts are positive and you should take initiative to fulfil your thoughts and dreams. Be focused to what you want and desire.
GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUN 21) – Power and resource are in your hands. You are ready to take an independent journey and believe me if you want to take business risks today is the best day.
CANCER (JUNE 22 - JULY 22) – You are filled with emotions today up to your neck. What you need is take a break and do things you like to do.
LEO (JULY 23 - AUG 23) – Marriage proposals for some are indicated. Ongoing relations or new relations will going to make you feel happy and for a long period. Commitments made today will be long lasting.
VIRGO (AUG 24 - SEPT 23) – You are knowledgeable and are having wisdom. You should utilise your knowledge wisely. Day is favourable for you.
LIBRA (SEPT 24 - OCT 23) – You are having a chance to make your on going situation favourable to you today. You are blessed and supported by well wishers. Use this time for making new changes in your life for betterment.
SCORPIO (OCT 24 - NOV 22) – Sudden changes which are unexpected may happen today. Be open to face any kind of situation. Changes are for betterment.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV 23 - DEC 21) – You are balanced and smart enough to deal with people and emotions. You should make an effort to reach out your goal smoothly.
CAPRICORN (DEC 22 - JAN 21) – You are behaving like an angel sent by almighty to balance all what is happening around you. You are resourceful and day is in your favour.
AQUARIUS (JAN 22 - FEB 19) - Negative thoughts will ruin all your dreams. See what an colourful blanket is there upon you. Do not let your thinking overtake all you acquired till now.
PISCES (FEB 20 - MAR 20) – You are ready with what you have dreamt off to achieve. Time is not that much bad, you should make an effort to achieve all you have in mind.
Numerology gives us an opportunity to be more aware of ourselves, the talents we have, and the pathway we choose to use these abilities.
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