DAY 27/12/2011
ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 20) – You have to be patient in both personal as well as professional aspects of life. You are a hard worker and want to attain success. You have to finish your jobs on time.
TAURUS (APR 21 - MAY 20) – You are ready to take actions and are capable to do so. But be sure of what you desire and what you want.
GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUN 21) – You are going in a direction but do not know the stop you have to end your journey. Do not make major changes today as time is not as smart as you.
CANCER (JUNE 22 - JULY 22) – Emotions are your main priority today. You are able to deal with almost any difficulty in any situation today.
LEO (JULY 23 - AUG 23) – You are judgemental today. Balanced vision will definitely going to help you in this somewhat unusual situation.
VIRGO (AUG 24 - SEPT 23) – You may feel to get indulge in some new kind of a activity today. Actions taken by you previously will favour you financially.
LIBRA (SEPT 24 - OCT 23) – Stability and contentment are your forte now a days. You are focusing on more things to achieve now. Good for you as time is with you.
SCORPIO (OCT 24 - NOV 22) – You are loved and admired by others. You will have to return all love and respect to those who are with you. Time is loveable.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV 23 - DEC 21) – Do not give free advices to who don’t need or who don’t understand your knowledge and wisdom. Be happy as your worry about left alone is false.
CAPRICORN (DEC 22 - JAN 21) – New beginnings if taken today will result in long lasting bonds. You are now ready to have stability in your career and love life.
AQUARIUS (JAN 22 - FEB 19) - Work, work and work is going to be on your mind all day long. Working hard will benefice you soon.
PISCES (FEB 20 - MAR 20) – You may have to face some kind of jealousy by your near and dear ones. Friends who do not get your point might criticize you. This phase will soon disappear.
Numerology gives us an opportunity to be more aware of ourselves, the talents we have, and the pathway we choose to use these abilities.
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