DAY 03/12/2011
ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 20) – Changes which are unexpected in professional and emotional matters are indicated today. Try being calm and patient with whatever life is offering you. Bright side of the day is at the end of it.
TAURUS (APR 21 - MAY 20) – Stability, relaxation and satisfaction in your emotions is the best thing day is providing you with. Resources are more than enough to enjoy your day fullest.
GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUN 21) – Feeling alone!!! You are having knowledge and wisdom is there in your moves. Don’t feel as people are not getting you. You are able to do any task at your own. Grab your success.
CANCER (JUNE 22 - JULY 22) – Beginning of new relations or a child birth is indicated. You are beautiful and resources are enough. You will to play a role of a mother or guardian today.
LEO (JULY 23 - AUG 23) – You might have two thoughts in your mind today and you will try to act upon both as you are stable and powerful to do so. You can achieve what you desire as the time is favouring you.
VIRGO (AUG 24 - SEPT 23) – Some might get jealous of you today. Be vigil in your actions and reactions. Try balancing your cool and calm. Silence is the best when no one wants to hear you.
LIBRA (SEPT 24 - OCT 23) – Fighting’s and quarrelsome will not work today. You have to maintain peace even if you are right and others wrong. Try being patient at this tense phase of life, as time will transform your friends in your biggest enemies if you won’t behave maturely.
SCORPIO (OCT 24 - NOV 22) – You are able to achieve success and are resourceful also. What you have to do is make a goal and then take actions to accomplish that aim.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV 23 - DEC 21) – Thoughts are making a different you. You want freedom to take actions or implement on your thoughts. This the right time to make positive changes.
CAPRICORN (DEC 22 - JAN 21) – You are like a king today in taking or implementing upon your actions. Try having a balanced vision on your moves. Success is for sure to celebrate.
AQUARIUS (JAN 22 - FEB 19) – Many temptations are there for you today. You are tempted and are a little confuse to which way you should move. Try getting right things and at right place and time.
PISCES (FEB 20 - MAR 20) – Celebration party for success you achieved is indicated today. Don’t forget this is only the beginning and you have to achieve a lot more. Today just enjoy!!!!
Numerology gives us an opportunity to be more aware of ourselves, the talents we have, and the pathway we choose to use these abilities.
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