November 29, 2013



ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 20) – You are happy. You are going your way. You have support of family and friends. You are attractive. Resources are enough for you to party all day. What? You want more. Oh God...What else do you need?? Be careful a little else you might hurt yourself.

TAURUS (APR 21 - MAY 20) – Indication of a child birth. Beginning of new relations is on the cards. Domestic issues can be easily resolved today. 

GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUN 21) – You are ready to take actions to achieve your desired goals. Just be careful of which direction you are attempting and which way you are going. Be focused to the target.  

CANCER (JUNE 22 - JULY 22) – Contentment and control over things is the best thing one can have in life. You are feeling the same today. It is good time for you to take major decisions. Everything will going to favour you today.

LEO (JULY 23 - AUG 23) –  You are worried!!! Why? You are not the culprit dear. Be relaxed and cool. Travelling is on the cards for today. You might think to shift your place. Don’t let negative thoughts to acquire your mind.  

VIRGO (AUG 24 - SEPT 23) – You are balanced in your actions. Achievements are for sure. Just be ready to rule the world.  

LIBRA (SEPT 24 - OCT 23) – You might meet your soul mate today if single. Day is offering much on romantic front. Enjoy each and every moment. 

SCORPIO (OCT 24 - NOV 22) – Today you may shine like a star. You have the power to balance the things around you. Make most of the day in order to achieve success.  

SAGITTARIUS (NOV 23 - DEC 21) – Time has come when you will be paid or be rewarded for your hard work. Just wait and watch what? the day has in store for you.

CAPRICORN (DEC 22 - JAN 21) – Power, self control, stability and success are your biggest assets now a days. Enjoy the company of people who matters. Don’t play with duality in your actions, it might bring a negative impression for you.

AQUARIUS (JAN 22 - FEB 19) -  You know changes are the part of life and we should always be ready to accept those changes whether they are for good or bad. New beginnings and endings are indicated for some of you. Be patient and calm in every situation. 

PISCES (FEB 20 - MAR 20) – Today you might behave like an emotional fool. Just be clear about what you want from others. You should have control on your actions today. Be careful of whatever you do and want.
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Numerology gives us an opportunity to be more aware of ourselves, the talents we have, and the pathway we choose to use these abilities.

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Numeroscope By Ginny / Daily Prediction

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