March 21, 2021

Numerology for the day ~Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

21st Of March 2021 ~ This day tend to be more optimistic, extremely generous and giving souls, and is able to find positive in everything around. The day when you can flaunt your charismatic personality.Today  you can be a great listeners and a person who is very conscious of other people's feelings and emotions. The day is to live  life for today and not worry about tomorrow. Spirituality and knowledge gained today will flourish future definitely. Go for a pilgrimage tour and read some influencing books, it will in turn benefice and results in wisdom. A very optimistic day. Enjoy !

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March 19, 2021

ginny_the_numerologist Runes Readings For the Day ~Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

Whatever situation you experience, you can trust that
part of you which leads you, which can not be
conscious of mind and manifests itself in intuition.You
do not need any evaluations and speculations.
Sometimes the voice of intuition in people prone to
rethink everything in all situations and seeking to
understand what is happening is subtle. If you are
among these people, then maybe intuition, will visit you
in your dreams, when your mind is asleep. Try to "talk"
with the characters of your dreams, ask them what they
want and answer for them. The answers may surprise
you much. Stay as long as possible in the mood of
sleep, watch the world especially, as if still dreaming
the dream and follow its course and act according to
its flow. It doesn't mean that you became a day
dreamer , it's just to follow your intuitions and try
understand the deep meanings as much as you can. A
good day to act on your thoughts and make a big leap

#numeroscopebyginny #ginnythenumerologist

March 17, 2021

Runes Readings For the Day ~ Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

Jera - Meanings of "Jera"
Summer, Plenty, Harvest
The harvest has arrived, and with it a time of plenty and bounty. The long hard winter has been endured, the hard work of tilling and planting has long since been completed, and now comes the time to reap the rewards for prior hardships. Hard work is going to be rewarded. Retirement, a sabbatical, or a vacation may be referenced here. Everything is happening as it should happen, and the time is coming to enjoy it. 
All in all a good day, to experience fruits of your good deeds. It's a wonderful day Where Rune Jeda indicates favour on all human kind. 
Good Aspects of The Day ~ Improvement in Finances, Health, & certain changes for betterment. 

#numeroscopebyginny #ginnythenumerologist 

March 11, 2021

Numerology for the day ~Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

11th Of the Month specially Of March 2021 is a day a bit more special as it adds up to 1 and is coming through 2 , so the combination of 2 ( Moon ) with 1 ( Sun ) is a fantastic relationship. Today is a day of experiencing spirituality. Today one should focus on their relationships as you might feel more emotional than practicle. A good day to understand what is right and what's wrong in a particular relationship/ partnership as you might be feeling some indecisiveness regarding this one. Try perform some meditation and spiritual activities within your home and you can feel divine comforts. Good day for finances. Best day to speak out about your likings and affection for someone . Make someone smile and it in turn benefice you one way or the other. 

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March 7, 2021

Vastu Shastra Tip ~ Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

The role of women is of Prakarti ( Nature ) The one who is born to produce & balance the environment and Universe as a whole.
In Vastu Shastra, there is a specific place that should be managed with balance in order to make ones place more positive and comfortable for women / Ladies of the house. One of the best tip is to make sure each and every watch/clock of the home should be perfectly running & is on time always. It will definitely bring good health and positive energy to all the family members & females of the house for sure. 

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March 6, 2021

Numerology for the day ~Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

The 6th Of this month is totaling at 15 which again sums up to 6 and this indicates that the day is to be youthful, gentle, soft-spoken, luxurious, to be loving, artistic and to possess refined tastes. It's a day to dislike disorder and lead a well-balanced life. Today One should feel responsible and take their position of trust very seriously. This is the day of fair play and enjoy working in partnership and function well as apart of a team. A wonderful day to experience love , warmth, luxury, beauty, comforts in all aspects of life. It's a wonderful day to go on a date, movie with friends or family, get together's and a fun time with loved ones. If you have a business of luxury items, item or products related to fashion and makeovers this is the day to spread your wings and try fly high coz success is in you pocket today. All in all the best day of the Month is today as per Numerology. ( General ) 

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Mentioning your Complete date of birth and questions, for Personalized Tarot Card Readings, Numerology and Vastu Shastra Consultancy.

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March 5, 2021

Vastu Shastra Tip ~ Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

Have you ever wonder, why despite doing all the right things and taking good care of your health, you feel lacking some energy and enthusiasm also feeling a bit slow or sometimes frustrated ? For making all these things right & to be on track one must have a good relaxing sleep. Sleeping position or direction plays an important role in your day to day life. It is advised in Vastu Shastra that while sleeping our head should be on the south wall of the room or south west or at least west. The best position is to place the pillow on south direction and our head should never be on North direction while sleeping. This simple Vastu can bring a lot of positive effects in one's life in respect to Health, Wealth and relationships. 

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Numeroscope By Ginny / Daily Prediction

ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 20) – You will behave like a Magician today. You have resources and a intelligent mind to use those resources in the bes...