February 28, 2021

Tarot Card Of the Day ~ Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

Nine of Cups ~ delight. Have you ever tried to guess what happiness and satisfaction means to you. Today is the day to enjoy life and cherish things around you. Face whatever comes to you. It's no time to feel down feel down because it will only consequence problems. Finish your tasks with delight. A very charming day, enjoy outings and parties. 

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February 26, 2021

Tarot Card Of the Day ~ Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

The Eight of Pentacles is a card of apprenticeship and mastery. A person is working hard to improve his skills and become a master in what he is doing. It indicates recent changes in work, education or financial circumstances. Should provide diligent and hard-working approach to whatever task is attracting you. The Eight of Pentacles is encouragement to keep doing what you are doing as it will eventually lead to success. 

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February 25, 2021

Tarot Card Of the Day ~ Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

Two Of Pentacle indicates there will be challenges in your future, but your fate is largely in your own hands in the sense that the final outcome depends own how you respond to these challenges. The best you can do is careful planning the actions and moves on certain issues which seeks attention. A change for the better is indicated today through communicated information. Activate and use your most valuable strengths which can help you create opportunities for yourself. A Good Day to Challenge your own capabilities and bring out the best in you. 

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February 24, 2021

Numerology for the day ~Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

The 24th Of The Month promises security, balance and harmony but it is up to you whether or not it delivers this promise. The combination of Moon & Dragon Head is a bit complicated but it can deliver beneficial outcomes if judged & managed correctly through your intuitions.  A good day to invest in fashion. Beautiful day offering a good time with friends & family, so make most out of it. 

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February 21, 2021

Numerology for the day ~Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

The 21st Of the Month is an amazing day for gaining or spreading knowledge or can say exchanging all the knowledge, learnings & experiences with the world. A good day feel Comfort & satisfaction in all aspects of life. If you want to sign any documents today , read them thoroughly and sign, results will benefice. Ruling by Jupiter, the day is offering all positive and supportive conditions if your thoughts are selfless. Try feeling the positive aura of this day. 21st ( combination of Sun & Moon traits )  of every month is a magical day. 

You can Mail us at  "numeroscope@gmail.com"
Mentioning your Complete date of birth and questions, for Personalized Tarot Card Readings, Numerology and Vastu Shastra Consultancy.

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February 20, 2021

Tarot Card Of the Day ~ Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

The Queen indicates strongness, independent individual, capable of taking care and sustain a masterful creative vision or goal. Beside the Queen is a sunflower, blossoming with new life symbolizing joy and satisfaction. The black cat at her feet expresses the independent nature of this Queen and her interest in magical energies.
She will imbue you with the courage that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

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February 18, 2021

Tarot Card Of the Day ~ Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

The Temperance
You are about to enter a period of peace and harmony in your relationship, career or life in general. You will find a way of handling difficult circumstances with calm confidence. Life is flowing at this time - enjoy it.Things will always be in and out of balance. It’s a worthy endeavor to try to evenly juggle all parts of your life all the time. But, the process of re-centering yourself is something you’ll always have to cultivate. It isn’t a personal failing when things get out of balance. It’s just the way the world works. All in all a balanced day. 

February 15, 2021

Numerology for the day ~Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

The 15th of the month is an intriguing mix of creativity, growth and Luxury. Ruled by number 6 , it's a day a bit special then other normal days. If you wish to buy luxuries for yourselves or home or offices or if you want to invest in Gold and other luxurious brands related to fashion and media you can take a step ahead today. Results will be in your favour. Don't spend lavishly but don't stop yourself also as it's a day to be a little spendthrift on fashion. All in all a very good day to enjoy life with all comforts, Elite moves and ease. 

You can Mail us at "numeroscope@gmail.com"
Mentioning your Complete date of birth and questions, for Personalized Tarot Card Readings, Numerology and Vastu Shastra Consultancy.

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February 13, 2021

Tarot Card Of the Day ~ Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

The Tower ~ Whatever makes your moves & decisions to fall down today (something that happens that you didn’t see coming), believe it or not, gives you the opportunity to start anew ~ to do it better ~ and to do it BIGGER. You may not have seen this coming, but the Universe did, because it knew this is the right time for you to build your bright, shiny new Tower from scratch. Try to identify which things from the past might have caused your Tower to be weak, and, this time, ensure all the fail-safes are in place, that the foundations are sturdy, so that your next Tower is strong and more enduring against the forces of the unknown.

You can Mail us at "numeroscope@gmail.com"
Mentioning your Complete date of birth and questions, for Personalized Tarot Card Readings, Numerology and Vastu Shastra Consultancy.

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February 11, 2021

Tarot Card Of the Day ~ Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

Eight of Cups ~ Indicates your desire to leave a seemingly perfect situation behind. You might have already taken some steps to move on.That seemingly perfect situation could be a stable, well-paying job, a nice house in a good neighborhood, or a peaceful long-term relationship. This might be a time to move on. A time of change. Whatever it is, it has served its purpose already and you’re ready to explore something new, possibly something that’s much better to your soul now.

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February 10, 2021

Tarot Card Of the Day ~ Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

Be inconspicuous if you can, stay out of your own way, and see how many things go right all by themselves. Real luck is looking for you today, but you can chase it away by trying to have too much control over everything. This is not a day to micromanage. Rather, listen to your hunches, and don't demand solid answers or too many facts or figures.

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February 8, 2021

Tarot Card Of the Day ~ Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

TEN OF CUPS ~ This card often appears when you are surrounded by your loved ones with whom you share a powerful and deep connection. You appreciate and support one another, and together, you help each other reach your highest potential. It brings you so much joy to see your loved ones succeed and live happy lives.
It's a great day, make most out of it. 

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February 5, 2021

Vastu Shastra Tip Of The Day ~ Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

If worrying about the south wall of your home or office, it's time to Paint it Red ...
Red colour signifies fire and south direction of your home is ruled by fire element. So paint it Red , place heavy and electronic items at South of your home. You can decorate the south wall with beautiful red colour wallpaper and lighting up with small red bulbs and candles. It will surely enhance the ambiance with luck & Prosperity. 

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February 3, 2021

Vastu Shastra Tip Of The Day ~ Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

East Direction ~  The east or north-east part of your home is perfect for meditation, yoga and other spiritual pursuits.Facing east when you meditate will increase positivity. Create a sacred altar and decorate it with candles or incense sticks. East & North East Direction is the best suitable for performing meditation, yoga and prayers. 

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February 1, 2021

Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist ~ Today's Vastu Shastra Tip Of The Day ~

South Direction of you Home and Office is the reserving zone or area , the prosperity flows in from North direction get reserved at South Direction, so it is very important to close the south of any building so that the flow does not pass away. We should try to make south wall strong and heavy. 

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Numeroscope By Ginny / Daily Prediction

ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 20) – You will behave like a Magician today. You have resources and a intelligent mind to use those resources in the bes...