January 30, 2021

Tarot Card Of The Day ~ Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

THE KING OF SWORDS ~ There is opposition to your ultimate goals. Guile and your superior intellect will lead you past this destructive barrier. You will find fulfillment in organizing those around you as a leader.The King of Swords is an assertive, professional, decision maker with high intellect and a knack for leadership. He represents big decisions to come and a need to take control and set boundaries while making firm commitments to your goals.

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January 29, 2021

Tarot Of The Day ~ Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

The  Hermit
Prudence, circumspection; also and especially treason, dissimulation, roguery, corruption. If  worried about being on your own and afraid of loneliness, and simply don't know what to do, should take the time to relax and eventually will have the answers.
The Hermit signals a warning not to make hasty decisions, so should try not to get too stressed, and if been unwell, this is a time for rest and recuperation.
Day seems to experience inner deep thoughts with meaningful answers of certain life questions. A great day must say if you are a student or learning / teaching. 

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( EMAIL ) numeroscope@gmail.com 

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January 28, 2021

Tarot Card Of The Day ~ Numeroscope By Ginny ~ Ginny The Numerologist

KNIGHT OF CUPS ~ Today is a day when you feel , you have all enough resources to take further actions towards your goals. It's true you can take a step ahead with what you have as the much important thing which a person should have to achieve set goals of life is confidence and you have plenty of it right now. Knight of Cups generally depicts that all the necessary things have been achieved with patience and now is the right time to step ahead. All in all a good day to work, In relationship...romance will bright up your day. 

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( EMAIL ) numeroscope@gmail.com 

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January 25, 2021

Tarot Card Of The Day ~ Ginny The Numerologist ~ Numeroscope By Ginny

Two Of Cups ~ Love In relationships, Family , bonding , and a happy Environment awaits you today... Feel pampered or feel like love is in the air. Compliment others , you might get one in reply too ! Today Make arrangements for ceremony, marriage and family get together or going on date or just be at home with the loved ones will be relaxing. Finance will not create any issue today or in few days to come. Be happy be healthy is the mantra( Idea ) ... Make most out of today's lucky hours ...

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January 24, 2021

Tarot Card Of The Day ~ Ginny The Numerologist ~ Numeroscope By Ginny

The Hierophant
There are moral issues here, knowing right from wrong, and you may feel that you need some advice or wise counsel from a teacher, priest, parent or someone you have a lot of respect for, in order to help you make the right decision.Right now you want to have someone around you that you can trust and confide in, knowing that they won't let you down. Generally, The Hierophant suggest to take steps after a deep thought , taking knowledge from the elders or experienced one's.

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January 21, 2021


In North and North East directions of your home, water bodies, clean water, fountain, artificial water decorative , light weight plants can be kept to bring positive changes.

we will be sharing small tips frequently for a good vastu of your Home and office …follow us ~

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( BLOGSPOT ) https://numeroscopebyginny.blogspot.com/

( EMAIL ) numeroscope@gmail.com

( WORDPRESS ) https://ginnythenumerologist.wordpress.com/

January 20, 2021

Vastu Shastra Tip For the Day By Ginny The Numerologist

 The very first thing in Vastu Shastra, You should know the directions of you home and offices accurately , so should use compass for that ...

Now The Vastu Shastra Tip for Today ~ 

North and North East direction of your Home Should be kept light in weight, we should not place much heavier things in this direction like Refrigerator or Almirah etc... This Direction should be kept clean and tidy as it will bring Prosperity and Positivity for sure ... 

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Numeroscope By Ginny / Daily Prediction

ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 20) – You will behave like a Magician today. You have resources and a intelligent mind to use those resources in the bes...