December 2011
ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 20) – This month is going to give you immense pleasures. You will achieve stability and growth in business and professional matters easily. You are able to sit confidently and control your inner self. Health related problems will vanish soon. Relations and emotions will make you feel contended. Beginning of a more meaningful relation is indicated at this particular phase.
Favourable Numbers: 1, 9 and Favourable Colours: Reds and Yellow.
TAURUS (APR 21 - MAY 20) – Thoughts which are negative should get destroyed now. Month is offering you much more than what you have expected. Health remains satisfactory. You may brighten your horizon by acquiring almost all those things which you desired to have. Relations with family and friends are joy able. Only need is to think positive and don’t follow imaginary world. Be flexible and adjusting with all situations.
Favourable Numbers: 10, 21 and Favourable Colours: White and Sea Green.
GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUN 21) – This particular month is tempting you in many ways and many directions. You have different choices to choose from. Relations are loving and there is contentment in matters of emotion. Try to make a desired goal or a target to work upon rather messing up with different tasks together. Watch your diet this month as overindulgence in food or drink might make you feel inactive.
Favourable Numbers: 1, 4 and Favourable Colours: Grey and Green.
CANCER (JUNE 22 - JULY 22) – You may feel enthusiastic and energetic with full of resources with you this December. You might achieve unexpected gains and profits in your business or profession. By your hard work and determination you can acquire the world almost. Now is the time to get settled and start searching for a perfect match for you. Partnerships done will be fruitful.
Favourable Numbers: 6, 15 and Favourable Colours: Bright Colours
LEO (JULY 23 - AUG 23) – New beginnings and endings are indicated for you this month. You will feel contentment in your financial aspects and your hard work will surely get noticed providing you with good returns. Relations on romantic front will make you feel really special as chances of meeting an exciting personality are strong.
Favourable Numbers: 3, 16 and Favourable Colours: Earthy Brown
VIRGO (AUG 24 - SEPT 23) – This month you may feel that nothing is favouring you as you are conflicting with your inner self. Try to remain patient and calm in all the situations and just go with the flow of life. There is a need to balance all what is happening around you and within you. Don’t let ego clashes to take place. Health might suffer a little.
Favourable Numbers: 5, 14 and Favourable Colours: Bottle Green and Blue.
LIBRA (SEPT 24 - OCT 23) – There is a sort of contentment in your thoughts. You need to let yourself free and don’t let situations to rule you rather you are supposed to balance situations accordingly. Duality in your actions is seen. Try not to play a game of risk as it may harm you. You have surrendered yourself and don’t want to make changes to the present situation. Resources are enough.
Favourable Numbers: 7 and Favourable Colours: Silver.
SCORPIO (OCT 24 - NOV 22) – You are going to enjoy your success all this month. Be focused and determined in your actions. There is contentment in emotions and financial aspects. People will respect you and you will be enough satisfied with you achievements. Enjoy this phase of time which is going to bring in all comforts for future.
Favourable Numbers: 10, 21 and Favourable Colours: Orange and mauve.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV 23 - DEC 21) – You will get rewarded for your hard work this month. Month is going to provide you power and strength in relations and finances. Try not to hide things. Just follow the mantra of positivity and you will achieve heights in your area of work. Resources are enough and you might feel control on your inner self this particular month. Have to be careful a little about health.
Favourable Numbers: 8, 10 and Favourable Colours: Cherry Red.
CAPRICORN (DEC 22 - JAN 21) – At the beginning of the month you might feel got struck in a rut. There are certain situations which can make you feel unhappy and dissatisfied with life. Moving on with a positive approach will do well for you. You have to take care of your finances in the middle of the month but at the end all will go to favour you. Vanish those negative thoughts and try to remain calm.
Favourable Numbers: 9, 18 and Favourable Colours: Sea Green and White.
AQUARIUS (JAN 22 - FEB 19) – You will feel strength, stability and celebration all this month. Thoughts in mind have to be more positive and set to be free. Your inner self is controlled by you and you have the power to achieve desired results. Make most out of this favourable phase. You will celebrate success but should keep in mind that this is only the beginning and you have miles to go for.
Favourable Numbers: 3, 6 and Favourable Colours: Golden and reds.
PISCES (FEB 20 - MAR 20) – Hard work should be kept in mind this month as it is going to deliver you amazing returns throughout this month. You have a balanced approach in almost all your aspects of life. Ups and downs may make you feel a little uncomfortable with the present situation but there is nothing much to worry about. Future seems to be satisfactory.
Favourable Numbers: 15, 3 and Favourable Colours: Watery Colours .
Numerology gives us an opportunity to be more aware of ourselves, the talents we have, and the pathway we choose to use these abilities.